giving tuesday gift basket

Giving Tuesday at STEGH

Thank you Frontline health Workers for your commitment and bravery you bring to our community everyday! It takes a very special kind of person to serve the community with outstanding health care during Covid-19, and you are true heroes!

We wanted to thank you for your bravery with a small token of appreciation, and thought lets talk to other businesses in our community as well. We decided collectively we could show our support from the community by banding together and providing the Frontline Workers at STEGH with a free gift basket. The gift basket was filled with gift certificates and products from local business owners. Together we raised over $1600! Way to go St. Thomas!

gift basket for hospital

Thank you Lauren Jenkins, of Jenkins Roofing Group for putting this all together for STEGH. You did a fantastic job calling, driving for donation pick ups, and putting it all together in a wonderful basket. We are proud to be a part of our community where we work, live, and play, and this was a great way to get the community involved for a great cause. High five to everyone who participated!

giving tuesday gift basket

Thank you to all our Frontline workers and we appreciate everything you are doing! #stthomasproud

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