Roofing Underlayment
All Of Our Roofs Include Complete Roof Deck Coverage.
Jenkins Roofing install’s Leak Barrier Membrane on the bottom eaves, valleys, chimneys and any other area of your roof that requires extra protection.
Leak barrier membrane is the first form of underlayment we instal on your roof deck. This is a self adhesive membrane that seals to your roof deck to protect against any wind driven rain, ice and snow build up.
There is a plastic film lining on one side of the membrane, we peel this away and apply it to the roof deck. The sun acts as a heat source, warms up the leak barrier membrane and seals it to your roof deck. Leak Barrier is the best form of underlayment to protect against any problematic areas.

The synthetic underlayment option we provide every client is GAF FeltBuster. Its important to use Feltbuster as one of your roofing components because it completes the components for the best roofing system and your GAF warranty.
Synthetic underlayment offers great secondary protection for your roofing system. Beyond the protection of your shingles synthetic underlayment will prevent any wind driven rain and protection over a long period of time.

Polypropelene Underlayment is the highest standard of roof deck underlayment on the market. GAF Deck Armor is a premium breathable polypropylene underlayment. GAF has developed this premium underlayment to help reduce moisture being trapped within your roofing system. Deck Armor allows moisture to escape and this prevents mold and mildew build up.